Collection Resurrection: Our New Podcast!
Hey Filmmaking Sucks fans! This week, we are giving you the first episode of our new podcast, Collection Resurrection on the feed!
Filmmaking Sucks is mostly done for now, but we are keeping the feed open for whenever we do interviews, panels, or anything else we think you all may be interested in hearing. So, stay subscribed and we promise there will be new content coming eventually.
In the meantime, Manny & Lindsay have gone back to their love of horror and cult cinema, and we have started a new podcast called Collection Resurrection, where we watch films form our own personal home media collection which we have not yet unsealed, and discuss the film through a series of pre-determined questions.
We will drop the first few episodes on this feed weekly just to give you a taste of whats to come, but the show does have it’s own standalone RSS feed, and you can find it on any podcast host that you were able to get Filmmaking Sucks from. Join us on over there for our new venture, and bask in the cult cinema glory!
The first movie up on the show is one we have both seen in the past, and thought it was also partially relevant considering the current quarantines happening: The Seventh Sign starring Demi Moore, Jurgen Prochnow, and Michael Beihn.
Could we have chosen a more fitting movie? Sure, but this was on our minds, so we started here.
The questions!
1- What did we watch?
2- What is the plot?
3- First Impressions?
4- What did/didn’t we like about the film?
5- How long since we bought this?
6- Where did we buy this?
7- Why did we buy this?
8- When was the first time we saw this?
9- Did we enjoy it?
10- Would we watch it again?
Horror Film Festivals w/Dr. Michelle Conty
Being horror filmmakers, we like to have guests who can specifically help other horror filmmakers. Well here she is, the Events Manager and Assistant Director of the Horrorhound Film Festival, Dr. Michelle Conty!
Michelle was recently in NYC to shoot interviews for her upcoming educational series, Professor Of Horror, where she will speak to numerous horror filmmakers in order to get advice, tips, and tricks on how to help you to improve your own horror film productions!
Specifically this week, we discussed with her the process of submitting to Horrorhound, and how to improve your festival experience once you have been selected. How to communicate with the festival, how to promote your film at the festival, as well as some tips on what festivals are looking for, and reasons why your film may not have been selected.
This coming weekend is a big one for us! We will be attending the Scares That Care Charity Film Festival in Virginia, and our new short MissUnderstood Monster will be screening Friday night there, and we will also be running their 5K Charity Run on Saturday Morning!
Also this weekend, we unfortunately will not be in attendance, but Matryoshka will be screening at Midsummer Scream in LA on Saturday, and both MissUnderstood and Matryoshka will be at the Brightside Tavern Short Film Fest in Jersey City, NJ on Saturday Night as well! So, if you’re in the area, hit up one of these fests and #SupportIndieHorror!
Get info on all the events here:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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Films and Film Festivals with the Film Commissioner, Debra Markowitz
This week, we sit down with Nassau County Film Commission, director of the Long Island International Film Expo, and writer/director in her own right, Debra Markowitz and John Marean.
We talk with Debra about how she helped found the Naussau County Film Commission and the Long Island International Film Expo. Delving into the history of film on Long Island, some of the do’s and don’t of festival etiquette, as well as discussing Debra’s own films, and her experiences attending festivals as a filmmaker who is also a fest director!
Stories of technical mishaps, irate filmmakers, and how the hell they find time to make their own films, on top of it all. You can find more info on, and submit to the Long Island International Film Expo here:
Catch us this weekend, Saturday June 8th, at the Art Of Brooklyn Film Festival for the premiere of our new short film, Matryoshka, in Brooklyn, NY.
June 15th, will be the premiere of our new short film, MissUnderstood Monster at Happenstance Film Festival in Haverhill, MA.
June 22nd, Matryoshka will be screening at Tromadance Film Fest in Brooklyn, NY.
June 27-30th, Matryoshka and MissUnderstood Monster will be screening at the Boulevard Film Festival in Sunnyside, Queens, NY.
Check our social media sites and calendar for more info and ticket links!
“I actually know the moment I became known. It was at the Cannes Film Festival, when they showed ‘The Virgin Spring.’ I walked into that theater as one person, and I walked out as another.”
You can now watch our latest feature, Theta States, online! It is currently available for FREE via the Midnight Pulp app, or on their website:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
You can also now follow us on Facebook at!
Join the Indie Filmmaker Community on Facebook:
Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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Shooting For The Mob (and Yourself) w/Alex Ferrari
Here is part 2 of our interview with Alex Ferrari where he discusses his new book, Shooting For The Mob.
Beyond just discussing hr book, we get into some of the difficult personal challenges we (and you) have to face as a filmmaker and artist; the amount of time, effort, and training that goes into your craft. We discuss how filmmakers and challenges in the modern age differ from filmmakers of the past. We talk inequality in the studio system, fighting to get a leg up in a predominantly male industry, and learning to be true to yourself in the face of adversity.
This episode is very healing, therapeutic and quite cathartic at times (at least for us it was) which explains why we decided to separate it from the previous episode, besides it being extremely long (we recorded for over 2 1/2 hours).
Check out Alex’s Podcast Indie Film Hustle here:
You can also buy a copy of Alex’s book, Shooting For The Mob, directly here:
“The story goes that Picasso was sitting in a Paris café when an admirer approached and asked if he would do a quick sketch on a paper napkin. Picasso politely agreed, swiftly executed the work, and handed back the napkin — but not before asking for a rather significant amount of money. The admirer was shocked: “How can you ask for so much? It took you a minute to draw this!” “No”, Picasso replied, “It took me 40 years””
You can now watch our latest feature, Theta States, online! It is currently available for FREE via the Midnight Pulp app, or on their website:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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Ego and Desire with Alex Ferrari
This week, we talk with Filmmaker and Podcaster Alex Ferrari, again!
After a self-described brutal film festival run with his latest feature, On The Corner Of Ego And Desire, Alex talks with us about the hardships he endured, staying focused, overcoming his own personal disappointments, and how to keep moving forward in the face of adversity.
On The Corner Of Ego And Desire is a narrative film, which Alex shot at the Sundance Film Festival, about a group of (fictional) filmmakers trying to sell their film to a producer at Sundance. Alex gets very personal explaining how he felt the film would be a shoe-in for most festivals, but experienced a lot of pushback from other festivals in regards to making a film about filmmakers attending Sundance.
We also discuss Alex’s new subscription-based Video service, Indie Film Hustle TV.
Our discussing ran so long, we decided to break it up into two parts, so this episode is part 1 of our conversation, where we talk about the film and festivals. Look for part 2 soon.
Sign up for IFHTV here:
Check out Alex’s Podcast Indie Film Hustle here:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
You can also now follow us on Facebook at!
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Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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Using SAG On A No-Budget Film
This week, we are leaving all the description to the episode, as it speaks for itself: How to use SAG on a No Budget film!
On Mannys newest short film, Matryoshka, we decided to go use SAG in order to work with two actors we have wanted to work with for a long time. In this episode, we will run down the entire process we went through, and walk you through each step, what emails and paperwork we received, we break down what the forms say, and the possibilities of what to expect. This may be the most clinical of episodes we’ve ever done as we literally read all the forms and emails we have received so you know EXACTLY what you’ll be getting. So if you like, take notes!
And, on a bit of a side research tangent, we talk about who on your set qualifies as Above The Line and Below The Line, where they belong in your budget, and why.
This Saturday, March 13th we will be at Grindhouse Days at Roxy & Dukes Roadhouse in Dunellen, NJ for the screening of our short film, I Waited For You. Doors open at 12:30, films and performances all day long, our film screens at 6pm, and all film blocks are followed by Q&A’s.
Here is the link to the Preliminary Information Sheets, choose which one your project falls under:
Day Out Of Days Sample:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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“There is this perception in the independent film community that working with SAG-AFTRA is either too expensive or there is too much paperwork. I believe that once a filmmaker takes the time to speak with us about their project and signs one of our Agreements for the first time – they find that neither of those bits of information are true”
Producing 'Dogged' with Matthew Davies
In October of 2017, we had the pleasure of screening our last feature film, Theta States, at the Shawna Shea Film Festival. While there, we met UK Writer/Producers Matthew Davies and Lee Wignall of Ash Mountain Films, who were there premiering their first feature, the incredible folk-horror film Dogged. Since then, we’ve become pretty close with them and in December, Matthew happened to be in NYC, so we sat down with him to discuss the writing, crowdfunding, production, and release of Dogged, as well as their second feature, the home-invasion flick Nefarious.
Ash Mountain Films successfully crowdfunded both features, and Matthew walks us through their process of hard work, dedication, and (occasionally) sheer blind luck, to get to completion. Set stories from the fun, the scary, the nightmarish, and the struggle to finish both films.
You can follow Ash Mountain Films and their work here:
Join us on Thursday, February 21st at the Stone Creek Bar & Lounge for The Big Bloody Apple: NYC Women in Horror Month Event, organized by Lindsay and CongestedCats’ Christina Raia.
Films! Trivia! Candy! It's a decade of Women in Horror Month and we're throwing a WiHM celebration as only NYC can! Join us for film screenings from local horror female filmmakers, women in horror trivia from Nicole Solomon of 4MileCircus, and a lecture by the one and only Heather Buckley! Plus yes, candy!
Check out the event invite at our events page, or directly here:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
You can also now follow us on Facebook at!
Join the Indie Filmmaker Community on Facebook:
Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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2018 Recap and 2019 Goals!
Well, we have returned, and we are calling this the first episode of season 3! This week, we start off a little slow, explain our sorta-new format and our new “Seasons” experiment.
So, going back to our New Years episode from 2018, we review what our goals for the year were, how many of them we accomplished, and set our new goals for 2019. That’s mostly the conversation for this episode, just trying to get back into the swing of things.
Along the way we discuss a bit of shooting Father of Lies, the success of Beneath, and the progress on our new short films Miss Understood Monster and Matryoshka!
Join us on Thursday, February 21st at the Stone Creek Bar & Lounge for The Big Bloody Apple: NYC Women in Horror Month Event, organized by Lindsay and CongestedCats’ Christina Raia.
Films! Trivia! Candy! It's a decade of Women in Horror Month and we're throwing a WiHM celebration as only NYC can! Join us for film screenings from local horror female filmmakers, women in horror trivia from Nicole Solomon of 4MileCircus, and a lecture by the one and only Heather Buckley! Plus yes, candy!
Check out the event invite at our events page, or directly here:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
You can also now follow us on Facebook at!
Join the Indie Filmmaker Community on Facebook:
Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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Manny and Lindsay on set with their demons!
Meet Dude!
“My three P’s: Passion, Patience, and Perseverance. You have to do this if you’ve got to be a filmmaker.”
Be Your Own Filmmaker
In a conversation that many of our listeners have heard bit and pieces of over the last few episodes, we discuss what it means to us to be our own style of filmmaker.
As artists, we all struggle with the push and pull of being creative and following our instincts, and wanting to sell our art and be successful. These two things are not mutually exclusive, but they certainly feel like they are, a lot of the time. So, we discuss the types of filmmakers we want to be, and talk out the struggle over time that it took to come to these realizations.
There’s not much more to describe for this episode, so listen in and maybe you’ll hear something you were trying to discover in yourself as well. Being a filmmaker is still an art, and your art has to reflect a part of you, or it is simply a product to sell, not a creation to marvel at.
See Beneath this weekend at Sick Chick Flicks film Festival in Cary, NC, Sunday, Sept 30th, where Lindsay will also be on the Adventures In Filmmaking panel.
Tickets are available at:
See the premiere of our newest short, I Waited For You, alongside Beneath on Saturday, Oct 6th at the Shawna Shea Film Festival, as part of the Horror Shorts Block. The short film Father of Lies, and feature film Good Day, will also screen at the festival on Thursday, Oct. 4th. Last year our feature film, Theta States, won Best Director and Best Of Fest at Shawna Shea!
Tickets are available here:
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You can also now follow us on Facebook at!
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Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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Premiering at the Shawna Shea FF - Oct 6th, Southbridge, MA
Manny, Lindsay, and Angie Hansen
Manny running sound on set of Paul Laudicano’s “The Straight Man”
Developing Promos For Your Film
This week on Filmmaking Sucks, we discuss different ways how you can prepare your film for future marketing, while you are in pre and production.
In the past, we have generally kept much of our production process quiet while in production; hiding fx, hiding sets and locations, etc. Making horror films, we don’t want to give anything much away. Now, moving into a comedy, the spoilers are within the scenes themselves, so making photos on set public help to get people excited in your film.
Starting in pre-preduction at your films title and the script, everything you do makes a difference towards how you promote your film. Decisions made now will affect the audience you are cultivating, and the image they have of your film before they see it.
Be prepared to start taking photos on set, while casting your actors or location scouting, making behind the scenes videos, and showing the world what it is you are doing to make your film. Here we discuss a few of the things you can do to improve your promotions, and get your film seen.
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A few promos we have created in the past…
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”
Producing on a Low Budget w/Alex Ferrari
This week, we talk to the host of the Indie Film Hustle Podcast, Alex Ferrari!
Alex has created one of the most well known and helpful resources for indie filmmakers with his podcast and brand of Indie Film Hustle. Having over 20 years of experience in the industry, he has finally begun making his own feature films. Using his podcast and website to bring you along on his journey, he tells his story with a transparency that many do not have in the film business.
After releasing his first low-budget feature, This Is Meg, in 2017 to Hulu, unbeknownst to his listeners, he shot a feature film, guerrilla style, at the Sundance Film Festival called On The Corner Of Ego And Desire.
We discuss his experiences in the industry, his inspirations on why he started IFH, and when he decided it was time to just get up and make his films, his way.
You can find Alex, his network, and podcasts at
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
You can also now follow us on Facebook at!
Join the Indie Filmmaker Community on Facebook:
Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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“Keep Hustling.”
MGP On JT & Big O
This week on Filmmaking Sucks, we bring to you an interview that Lindsay & Manny did on the JT & Big O Podcast!
This interview was originally aired on Facebook Live in June of this year, and we wanted to make sure all of our listeners had an opportunity to listen to it. We discuss our production methods, along with some of our favorite films, where we think horror is going, and even throw in a little Marvel vs DC geek-debate!
So, we hope you enjoy the show, and we'll be back with a brand new episode next week!
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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“The good news is, your dates are here. The bad news is...they’re dead.”
Making Your Second Film
Now that we are officially wrapped and in post-production, this week we discuss the making of Lindsays new short film, Miss Understood Monster!
From Pre to Post, we account the whole process of developing the visuals, writing the script, casting, getting the locations, shooting with a mostly female crew, and prepping for post-production.
Along the way, Lindsay talks about where the idea for the script came from, her inspirations for the characters while writing, and watching it all come to life on set.
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Trisha Grzywna, Heather Buckley, Lindsay Serrano, Heather Drew, Phil Kral, Manny Serrano on set of Miss Understood Monster
Heather Buckley as the monster
“A movie is written three times: once, in the script, a second time on set, and a third in the editing room.”
Heather Buckley, Lindsay Serrano, Heather Drew; Women In Horror
The Return! Filmmaking Still Sucks
We're back! Our first episode in a few months, and we get right down to it. We discuss what they've been up to, all the festivals, the panels, the screenings and shoots we've had.
From the Severed Film Night and Grindhouse at Roxy & Dukes, to Tampa, Florida and Prospect Park, we've had a busy few months, and are happy to be back.
Let us catch you up with all of our goings-on and few of the lessons we learned along the way. Two of the main topics are the shoot with Rogue Chimera Films that Manny was hired to shoot in Florida, and WAVE Productions who premiered a 25 year old film at the Severed Film Night.
WAVE Productions is a mail-order horror/monster movie production company who are known for shooting 2-3 feature films in a single weekend! Wrap your head around that!
Full disclosure, we recorded this episode in early July, and we ended up so deep in pre-production on Miss Understood Monster, that it was never posted. So, a few of the events we discuss, have already passed. But, here it is anyway, and here are links to some of the things we discussed on the episode!
Cut Throat Women
WAVE Films
The JT & Big O Podcast
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Listen to the HorrorHappens Radio show for current news and interviews from the genre film festivals and conventions you should have on your radar: and join his Horror Genre Film Festival Billboard Facebook group!
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David Chai, Manny Serrano, Lindsay Serrano at LIIFE
Manny Serrano, Angie Hansen, Lindsay Serrano, Phil Kral, Heather Drew at Brightside Tavern Short Film Festival
Brian Neris, Phil Kral, Angie Hansen, Manny Serrano on the set of "I Waited For You"
“Being an artist means not having to avert one’s eyes.”
Shooting A New Short With A New Crew!
This past weekend, we shot a new short film, and did so with an entirely new crew than we had worked with before. First time working with a pro DP (Philip Kral who you can hear on the Cinematography Panel from Macabre Faire episode) and the 2nd time with a pro sound mixer, Brian Neris.
So, this week we discuss the shoot, how the entire day went, how we handled new the responsibilities and delegations, and what we still have left to do. We talk some of the new parts of the post-production workflow and color grading process.
In the final portion of the show, we give our thoughts on the long-term plans we have for ourselves and the importance of looking at your films as body of work, rather than attempting to pack everything you want into one film.
Subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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Paul Laudicano, Phil Kral, Brian Neris, Manny Serrano on set of "I Waited For You"
Brian Neris, Lindsay Serrano, Phil Kral, Angie Hansen on set of "I Waited For You"
“Filmmaking is a completely imperfect art form that takes years and, over those years, the movie tells you what it is. Mistakes happen, accidents happen and true great films are the results of those mistakes and the decisions that those directors make during those moments.”
Filmmaking On A Budget Panel
This week, we bring you the Filmmaking On A Budget panel from the Macabre Faire Film Festival, featuring indie directors Patrick Devaney, Jeremiah Kipp, and Jerry Landi.
Whether making films on the budget of a pizza dinner, two days of shooting for 10 months of post production, to working with Hollywood actors, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is finishing the film. Patrick, Jerry and Jeremiah discuss their ups and downs of producing low-budget films over the last decade and more.
Scrubbing race cars out of your sound, ADR, mobile greenscreens, zombies on the beach, creature creation, artistic filmmaking, shorts vs features, making money, losing money, and everything in between. If you have the slightest inclination to make your own films, this panel proves that you CAN do it yourself!
You can find Patrick Devaney here:
You can find Jeremiah Kipp here:
You can find Jerry Landi here:
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“I just want to make films that have enough of a budget to pull off high-level imagery but also have a budget that is low enough that I can do what I want.”
ProductionNext w/Jim Miller & Ben Yennie
Production management software is popping up all over, from the veterans like MovieMagic to newb's like Celtx, it's hard to decide which one is best for your needs. This week, we talk to Jim Miller & Ben Yennie, creators of ProductionNext, which is a Cloud-based all-in-one platform, working to meet all of your production management needs.
Discussing with them the uses of the program, we get deep into how it can help your productions, be they 4-8 member crews with limited budgets like ours, or 100 crews with 6 figure+ budgets. Keep track of your crews inventory, create srotyboards, write and maintain a budget amongst crew members, schedule your shoot days, and keep everyone up-to-speed on the progress of the film from pre-production all the way through post.
If you sign up for ProductionNext, use the link to get three free months added to your service.
Ben Yennie was VP of Sales for Taal, a mobile video interview platform for the hospitality industry. He is the founder of Producer Foundry, a center for workshops, networking, and entrepreneurial training for film and video producers.
Jim Miller brings a deep understanding of user experience, interaction design and development, and Internet communities from a career spent at Apple, HP Labs, Gateway, and, most recently, as an independent design and development consultant.
As always, subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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“Have you ever noticed some people are able to stay organized while getting a massive quantity of work accomplished, while others appear to be busy but never actually produce results? Time management is the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur.”
Dealing With Rejection
Rejection is probably the toughest part of being an artist. Peers, audiences, film festivals, distributors, everyone has an opinion on your work, and a lot of the time, it's not very positive. But, that comes with the territory and, many times, the way you deal with your rejections defines the path you will take.
This week, we have a very honest discussion on many of the rejections we have received recently, how we have handled them and how we use the lessons we've learned to decide the direction we want to go in next.
As always, subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, Google Play, or your favorite podcatching app. And don't forget to rate and review us! Email us at with any questions, comments, or subjects you'd like to hear us discuss.
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“We all learn lessons in life. Some stick, some don’t. I have always learned more from rejection and failure than from acceptance and success.”
Latino Filmmaker Panel from Macabre Faire Film Festival
This week, we bring you the Latino Filmmaker panel from the Macabre Faire Film Festival. Hosted by Manny Serrano, and featuring filmmakers Edwin Pagan and Christian Moran, horror super-fan and actress Ines Peek also joined us for the talk.
UPDATE: there was a minute or two of overlapping audio on the original upload, it has been fixed, so if you want, you can re-download the fixed audio version.
While much of Hollywood is currently fighting for equality of female and black filmmakers, one of the most marginalized groups in American film today are Latino and Hispanic filmmakers. Making up less than 4% of characters in films in Hollywood, the Hispanic perspective on life is one that is not told very often, and is generally overlooked.
In an eye-opening panel, we discuss the hardships Latinos face growing up in America, and not seeing themselves and their identities portrayed truthfully in American cinema.
Edwin Pagan tells about how he started the website and how it has become a central hub for a community that he, and many others, did not the extent to which it existed before the website came to be. Christian Moran talks about his career, from writing faux-sequels to films when he was young and filming them with his siblings, to his new Proxies Of Fear film series which strives to give a platform to Latino and other minority filmmakers in New Jersey.
Bringing in more of a viewers perspective, Ines Peek lends her thoughts on her experiences watching horror films as a child and a teenager, and how it has fueled her love for the genre and film festivals today. She also describes how the lack of representation in films may bottle-necked the opportunities for her to follow her aspirations of becoming an actress, via the lack of roles available to audition for, to very minimal support from friends and family telling her that it was possible.
You can find Edwin Pagan and follow him at
Follow Christian Moran on Facebook here: and his new film Lets Play Dead Girl here:
You can find Ines Peek on Facebook here:
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“I became an actor to change the way I grew up. The way I grew up, I never saw myself on screen. I would look at the screen and think, ‘Well, there’s no way I can do it, because I’m not there.’ And it’s like as soon as you follow your dreams, you give other people the allowance to follow theirs. And for me, to look on younger girls and to say, ‘Well, Gina’s like me, maybe not necessarily the same skin color, maybe not necessarily the same background, but like that’s me. I’m not alone. I can do it too.’ ”