Be Your Own Filmmaker
In a conversation that many of our listeners have heard bit and pieces of over the last few episodes, we discuss what it means to us to be our own style of filmmaker.
As artists, we all struggle with the push and pull of being creative and following our instincts, and wanting to sell our art and be successful. These two things are not mutually exclusive, but they certainly feel like they are, a lot of the time. So, we discuss the types of filmmakers we want to be, and talk out the struggle over time that it took to come to these realizations.
There’s not much more to describe for this episode, so listen in and maybe you’ll hear something you were trying to discover in yourself as well. Being a filmmaker is still an art, and your art has to reflect a part of you, or it is simply a product to sell, not a creation to marvel at.
See Beneath this weekend at Sick Chick Flicks film Festival in Cary, NC, Sunday, Sept 30th, where Lindsay will also be on the Adventures In Filmmaking panel.
Tickets are available at:
See the premiere of our newest short, I Waited For You, alongside Beneath on Saturday, Oct 6th at the Shawna Shea Film Festival, as part of the Horror Shorts Block. The short film Father of Lies, and feature film Good Day, will also screen at the festival on Thursday, Oct. 4th. Last year our feature film, Theta States, won Best Director and Best Of Fest at Shawna Shea!
Tickets are available here:
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Premiering at the Shawna Shea FF - Oct 6th, Southbridge, MA
Manny, Lindsay, and Angie Hansen
Manny running sound on set of Paul Laudicano’s “The Straight Man”