Making Your Second Film
Now that we are officially wrapped and in post-production, this week we discuss the making of Lindsays new short film, Miss Understood Monster!
From Pre to Post, we account the whole process of developing the visuals, writing the script, casting, getting the locations, shooting with a mostly female crew, and prepping for post-production.
Along the way, Lindsay talks about where the idea for the script came from, her inspirations for the characters while writing, and watching it all come to life on set.
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Trisha Grzywna, Heather Buckley, Lindsay Serrano, Heather Drew, Phil Kral, Manny Serrano on set of Miss Understood Monster
Heather Buckley as the monster
“A movie is written three times: once, in the script, a second time on set, and a third in the editing room.”
Heather Buckley, Lindsay Serrano, Heather Drew; Women In Horror