Using SAG On A No-Budget Film
This week, we are leaving all the description to the episode, as it speaks for itself: How to use SAG on a No Budget film!
On Mannys newest short film, Matryoshka, we decided to go use SAG in order to work with two actors we have wanted to work with for a long time. In this episode, we will run down the entire process we went through, and walk you through each step, what emails and paperwork we received, we break down what the forms say, and the possibilities of what to expect. This may be the most clinical of episodes we’ve ever done as we literally read all the forms and emails we have received so you know EXACTLY what you’ll be getting. So if you like, take notes!
And, on a bit of a side research tangent, we talk about who on your set qualifies as Above The Line and Below The Line, where they belong in your budget, and why.
This Saturday, March 13th we will be at Grindhouse Days at Roxy & Dukes Roadhouse in Dunellen, NJ for the screening of our short film, I Waited For You. Doors open at 12:30, films and performances all day long, our film screens at 6pm, and all film blocks are followed by Q&A’s.
Here is the link to the Preliminary Information Sheets, choose which one your project falls under:
Day Out Of Days Sample:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
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“There is this perception in the independent film community that working with SAG-AFTRA is either too expensive or there is too much paperwork. I believe that once a filmmaker takes the time to speak with us about their project and signs one of our Agreements for the first time – they find that neither of those bits of information are true”