Films and Film Festivals with the Film Commissioner, Debra Markowitz
This week, we sit down with Nassau County Film Commission, director of the Long Island International Film Expo, and writer/director in her own right, Debra Markowitz and John Marean.
We talk with Debra about how she helped found the Naussau County Film Commission and the Long Island International Film Expo. Delving into the history of film on Long Island, some of the do’s and don’t of festival etiquette, as well as discussing Debra’s own films, and her experiences attending festivals as a filmmaker who is also a fest director!
Stories of technical mishaps, irate filmmakers, and how the hell they find time to make their own films, on top of it all. You can find more info on, and submit to the Long Island International Film Expo here:
Catch us this weekend, Saturday June 8th, at the Art Of Brooklyn Film Festival for the premiere of our new short film, Matryoshka, in Brooklyn, NY.
June 15th, will be the premiere of our new short film, MissUnderstood Monster at Happenstance Film Festival in Haverhill, MA.
June 22nd, Matryoshka will be screening at Tromadance Film Fest in Brooklyn, NY.
June 27-30th, Matryoshka and MissUnderstood Monster will be screening at the Boulevard Film Festival in Sunnyside, Queens, NY.
Check our social media sites and calendar for more info and ticket links!
“I actually know the moment I became known. It was at the Cannes Film Festival, when they showed ‘The Virgin Spring.’ I walked into that theater as one person, and I walked out as another.”
You can now watch our latest feature, Theta States, online! It is currently available for FREE via the Midnight Pulp app, or on their website:
Watch our first feature film, Blood Slaughter Massacre, on Amazon Prime now!
Check out our film inside of BSM, The Attack Of The Brain People, on Vimeo On Demand!
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